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6 Important Ways to Manage Teamwork

Whose job is it to oversee team performance and results? Improving teamwork skills takes time and effort. It is not a quick process, nor is it necessarily painless. Any change requires growth, and growth often brings pain. However, putting in the time and effort can save time and money and bring massive results. Think about ways you can improve teamwork and choose even one of those ways to focus on this week.

6 Important Ways to Manage Teamwork:

  1. Everyone needs to know the goal. What are we working towards? Having a common goal keeps an overall plan in all team members' minds. Note, each individual may have their own small goals, but all of those will work towards the accomplishment of the large goal. Using teamwork can help make sure nothing falls through the cracks. 

  2. Time management is critical. Making sure everyone is managing their own and group time effectively helps the whole group. As part of that, make sure to clearly communicate who is doing what tasks, so as to not have two people using time and resources on the same project.

  3. Along the lines of #2, communication skills need to be practiced and improved, by everyone. Find a system to clearly and easily manage communication, tasks, completed work, etc. Many programs are available to help a business or office accomplish this. Utilize team meetings, electronic task systems, and even a good old white board to help keep projects to the forefront for everyone.

  4. Share everything- wins, losses, and struggles. If a team member is having a hard time, the team should come around and support them. If you are having a problem, ask for help from those on your team (and be ready to help when they ask you for help!). Celebrate when each other has a win, and give credit where credit is due!

  5. Mediate conflict carefully and quickly. Troubles are bound to arise, but sitting down and talking them through can help teams move past them. Communication, again, is key when in conflict. Speak honestly, but stick to the problem at hand (do not make personal attacks at others).

  6. Remember that each member of your team is an individual. That means they have a unique perspective as well as different strengths/weaknesses from each other. Be sure to treat them as such, while building up the team together.


These are just 6 ways you can build a powerful, cohesive team. It takes leadership to go from drama and dysfunction to an effective team that is cohesive and communicates well. 

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