Dental Diary Blog

What are Dental Candidates Looking for in a Job Ad?

Written by Laura Johnston | October 9, 2023

This is an article from DentalPost that really stood out to me. At the end of the day, you want to attract talent, not chase it. Take a moment to read this blog, and reflect on how you attract talent. What does your hiring process look like, do you have a path of improvement and professional development?  Read on, and let us know if you need help in your hiring & training process:

Still looking for that “rockstar” dental employee? It’s no secret that hiring has gotten hard. In the most recent salary survey from DentalPost, more than 30% of employees reported actively looking or considering searching for a new place to hang their scrubs. And data from the American Dental Association’s Health Policy Institute said that more than a third of practices are hiring.

So what does it take to capture a job seeker’s attention and not just scroll on by? 


Generic job ads are not cutting it. Terms like “team player” and “fast-paced office” are passe. And a hiring bonus has turned into a red flag that something is wrong with the office. Potential employees are looking for more than just money (although that’s important); they want to be part of an environment where their strengths and skills are respected and utilized. So, if your job ads haven’t been attracting (the right) candidates, try these four tips to give dental job seekers what they are looking for in a dental job ad.


#1: Be Transparent

I recently polled a group of hygienists about what they wanted to see in a job ad. What stood out the most was transparency. No bait-and-switch. Be that about office culture, hours and benefits, or even how scheduling works. Too many of them reported getting burned. They joined an office with the promise of an hour per patient, and that quickly changed to 45 minutes. It led to a feeling of distrust and, eventually, job dissatisfaction.


#2: Treat Them As A Co-Provider

Hygienists are looking to be treated as co-providers. One even said they wanted their name on the door. This comment garnered a lot of likes and positive replies. This might mean taking time to help a new employee understand how the practice runs as a business. And how their production impacts the success of the practice. Consider giving them some skin in the game regarding production and expenses.


#3: Give Them Benefits Beyond The Standard

Speaking of expenses – job seekers are looking for not only benefits, like healthcare, 401K, and paid vacation time, but they also want continuing education and equipment allowances. Gone are the days of getting by with old, dull, broken instruments. Providers today want to know they are doing right by their patients and staying up-to-date on the latest in care.


#4: Provide Them Room For Growth

When looking at burnout and why so many dental professionals left the profession, boredom continues to pop up. They start to feel like every day is Groundhog Day. Be it sucking spit or scraping teeth, hygienists and assistants want more. Growth doesn’t have to mean leaving op. It could be as simple as having the freedom to learn about and implement new products or procedures with their scope of practice. Or having a voice at team meetings to present what they learned at their latest CE and how to try out something new.

Think about all the reasons you went into dentistry in the first place and why you show up for work each day. Yes, part of it is to make a living and pay the bills, but what fulfills you each day? Does your team have the opportunity to find and grow in their purpose? Today’s job seeker is looking for good pay and benefits, a healthy work-life balance, a team that works well together, and to make a difference. 

Do you want a rockstar or a professional?

Oh, and drop the “rockstar” terminology in your job ad. If you want someone who shows up unkempt, hungover, and breaks guitars, then “rockstar” is the term for you. However, if you are looking for a professional, show that you are willing to invest in your employees so they can provide the care they went into dentistry to provide.

This can be easier said than done if you are mired in debt, choking on overhead, robbed by insurance companies, and desperate for team members. If this is true for you, get out of the rut. 


Amanda Hill, RDH

Posted September 13, 2023


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