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Building a Cohesive Dental Team with The Principles of The Four Agreements


Cohesive, dental, team

"The Four Agreements" is a book written by Don Miguel Ruiz that explores the principles of personal freedom and happiness. Here are the four agreements and how they can help dental teams to be more cohesive:

  1. Be impeccable with your word: The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word, which means speaking the truth with honesty and integrity. By being impeccable with your word, dental teams can foster trust and build strong relationships.

  2. Don't take things personally: The second agreement is to not take things personally, which means not taking things others say or do as a personal attack. By not taking things personally, dental teams can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and work more effectively as a team.

  3. Don't make assumptions: The third agreement is to not make assumptions, which means not assuming that you know what others are thinking or feeling. By avoiding assumptions, dental teams can communicate more effectively and avoid misunderstandings.

  4. Always do your best: The fourth and final agreement is to always do your best, which means putting in your best effort in all that you do. By always doing their best, dental teams can improve their performance and achieve their goals.

Overall, the principles of the four agreements can help dental teams to be more cohesive by fostering trust, avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts, communicating effectively, and improving their performance. By adopting these principles, dental teams can work more effectively as a team and achieve their goals.

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