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Six Top Traits of a Successful Dental Leader


leadership, dental, team

Being an effective leader in a dental practice takes hard work and intention. Often, in dental teams, drama and dysfunction are blamed on working with mostly female team members. I’d like to call that one out. If you understand the people you are leading, understand their preferences and tendencies when it comes to communication, and build trusting relationships, managing a team of women simply is the same as leading any cohesive team.

Who are the leaders in your practice? Who are the managers? Are they the same people? Here are 6 top traits in leadership, no matter the industry. 

1. Willingness to put in the hard work:

A great leader must set an example for their team and the best example is your willingness to commit to the time it takes to find the opportunities, train the team, and stay to see the results.

2. Demonstrate consistency:

A great leader has a system that works, and works it frequently and consistently. Part of this consistency is how you show up each day ready to do well, even on bad days.

3. Be your authentic self:

It is difficult to trust and follow a leader who can’t be themselves. No matter your style, show up embracing the things that make you unique.

4. Be positive and enthusiastic:

Dentistry can be challenging. Your ability to motivate and encourage your team when the going gets tough is a skill that can be learned. Take the time to learn it and do it well.

5. You can’t improve what you don’t measure:

Have a system for tracking what your team does, as a team. Remember to train your team to track their own numbers as well, so they can see their imprint on the big picture. Don't forget to celebrate those wins together.

6. Encourage teamwork:

Teamwork is essential. There is so much we can learn from each other. A team that trusts each other is able to have difficult conversations, and can be committed and accountable to each other is much more likely to get massive results.

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